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CeNTech director Prof. H. Fuchs (center) and Enno Fuchs (CEO CeNTech GmbH, 2nd from the right) welcomed the speakers (from the left) Max Brinkmann (Refined Laser Systems GmbH), Dr. C. Kriegel (University of Münster), M. Worrmann (Technologieförderung Münster GmbH), Dr. A. Friesen (Cabot Battery Materials GmbH) and Prof. D. Prüfer (Fraunhofer IME). Photo: CeNTech GmbH/Martin Rühle

CeNTech Science Breakfast

Once again the traditional CeNTech Science Breakfast provided insights into current research activities within the science park and a valuable exchange of the stakeholders. The program included presentations on the production of natural rubber from dandelions, performed by Prof. Dirk Prüfer, innovative approaches in battery electrode research (Cabot Corporation), the application of simulated Raman microscopy in histology (Refined Laser Systems GmbH), the hydrogen cluster Münster and the activities of the SFB 1459 “intelligent matter”.