CeNTech · Heisenbergstr. 11 · 48149 Münster, Germany · +49 (0) 251 53406 100 · office@centech.de

Great interest in the 3rd CeNTech Science Breakfast

More than 60 researchers and entrepreneurs from the Münster region were present at this year’s “CeNTech Science Breakfast” which was dedicated to the current expansion of the Science Park Münster in which the CeNTech is imbedded. Prof. Jan Bart Ravoo and Prof. Michael Schäfers presented the research activities of the neighbouring new Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN) and the Multiscale Imaging Centre (MIC, due to be completed in 2019). From the Münster Battery Research Center (MEET) Dr. Markus Börner talked about the latest research. Established companies from the neighbourhood like ION-TOF (Sven Kayser) as well as the CeNTech start-up PolyTaksys (Dr. Christian Althaus) and the research group from Prof. Carsten Schuck reported on their current R&D activities. Prof. Fuchs emphasized how valuable informative events like this are for new opportunities for cooperation.