CeNTech · Heisenbergstr. 11 · 48149 Münster, Germany · +49 (0) 251 53406 100 · office@centech.de

Great success of “Zukunftspaziergang” (Future Walk) at the SCIENCE PARK

On June 23, 2018, the local network Bioanalytik Münster in collaboration with the Technologieförderung Münster GmbH and the CeNTech GmbH organized a walk through the Science Park of Münster. A delegation of about 30 persons including the mayor Markus Lewe ...

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Nano Münster region with strong appearance at the NRW Nano-Conference in Dortmund (Nov 21 – 22, 2018)

CeNTech, Bioanalytik Münster e.V. as well as the Alliance of Science Münster are part of the conference exhibition. Furthermore five speakers and more than 20 poster presentations will provide an overview on Münster`s latest Nanoscience activities at the prestigious ...

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Special awards for this year’s ‘Jugend forscht’ winners

Once a year the CeNTech GmbH and its partner Bioanalytik Münster e. V. award young researchers in the field of physics and biology, winners from the ‘Jugend forscht’ regional competition operated by the IHK Nordwestfalen, with a special recognition. ...

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CeNTech Science Breakfast

More than 50 scientists attended the combination of workshop and breakfast. Speakers from the CeNTech as well as from the Science Park presented their latest results in research and development. “The Science Breakfast aims to further promote the exchange ...

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Sybille Benning, MdB, visits CeNTech

Member of the German Bundestag, Sybille Benning, Münster, visited the CeNTech to learn more about the institute’s concept and the infrastructural development of the science park and in particular the nanotechnological facilities at the Münster location. ...

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ZukunftsWorkshop – Foundations and Start-ups

The first ZukunftsWorkshop “Foundations and Start-ups”, organized by the NMWP.NRW Cluster, took place in Düsseldorf, June 28, 2017. Founders as well as experts from financing, tech transfer and business start-up centers discussed the current situation ...

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CeNTech Day 2017 – rendevous with highly reknowned scientists

The scientific director of the Center for Nanotechnology Münster, Prof. Dr. Harald Fuchs, has every reason to be pleased. Outstanding international scientists like Prof. Dr. André Nel (UCLA, Los Angeles) talked about the latest developments in nanotechnology ...

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Awards for this year’s ‘Jugend forscht’ winners – special prices for young researchers in physics and biology

Respect for these top achievements: The Center for Nanotechnology (CeNTech GmbH) and Bioanalytik Münster e.V. awarded special prizes to the winners of the ‘Jugend forscht’ regional competition Münster 2017 operated by the IHK Nordwestfalen. “The ...

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