CeNTech · Heisenbergstr. 11 · 48149 Münster, Germany · +49 (0) 251 53406 100 · office@centech.de

the management team (from left to right): Dres. Ch. Seidenstücker, F. Beutel, N. Walter, M. Wolff, W. Hartmann (photo: Pixel Photonics GmbH)

CeNTech Start up Pixel Photonics received seed funding

Pixel Photonics, a Quantum technology spin-off from the WWU Münster located at CeNTech, raised 1.45 million Euros in a seed-round from the German VC fund High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), the French quantum-focused VC fund Quantonation as well as the photonic industry veteran Dr. Hendrik Sabert. Pixel Photonics develops highly scalable integrated-optical single-photon detectors that enable scaling of solutions in quantum computing, QKD and imaging among others. The Pixel Photonics detector design is based on research activities of the CeNTech scientists Prof. Wolfram Pernice and Prof. Carsten Schuck.