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from the left: the rector of the Münster University Prof. J. Wessels, Prof. B. Moerschbacher, H. Kleine-Brüggeney, R. Weingarten and Dr. S. Bühren, the representatives of the Sybille-Hahne foundation T. Dinklage und H. F. Salle. Photo: Andreas Wessendorf/AFO

Founders award of the University of Münster for EVORION Biotechnologies

The University of Münster (WWU) awarded the Sybille-Hahne founder prize in the amount of 32,000 Euro to the founders of the promising biotechnology start-up “EVORION Biotechnologies” that is located at CeNTech. EVORION is developing a novel, automated cell culture system for the analysis of rare cells. The first prototype is scheduled to be launched in early 2018. Congratulations to Hans Kleine-Brüggeney, Dr. Sebastian Bühren, Robert Weingarten and the supporter of the business idea, Prof. Bruno Mörschbacher!