H. Winter, CeNTech (6th from the left) and M. Bruns, gesundheitswirtschaft Münsterland e.V. (right), welcomed the representatives of the MATMED project. Photo: CeNTech/ M. Rühle
MATMED Management Meeting at CeNTech
The second management meeting of the NMW Interreg project MATMED took place at CeNTech (June 17/18 2019). Dr. Holger Winter (CeNTech) and Monique Bruns from the network Gesundheitswirtschaft Münsterland e.V. welcomed representatives from England, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands and Aachen in Münster. MATMED is funded by the EU as part of the structural and investment policy and supports the commercialization of advanced materials within the medical sector.