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Dr. Holger Winter, CeNTech GmbH (left) and Dr. Heinz-Georg Nothofer, Cluster NMWP.NRW (right), talking to Clara de la Torre, General Director for Research and Innovation, European Commission

Re-assignment NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik.NRW Cluster

The Consortium of the NMW Management GmbH and the CeNTech GmbH received the re-assignment to lead the NRW Cluster “NanoMikroWerkstoffePhotonik.NRW” (NMWP.NRW). Within the frame of the cluster management Münster’s important strategic topics nanobioanalytics and nanomedicine will be further supported. Furthermore the re-assignment is a clear acknowledgment by the NRW ministry for the work done so far.