CeNTech · Heisenbergstr. 11 · 48149 Münster, Germany · +49 (0) 251 53406 100 · office@centech.de


Dr. Kristina Riehemann

The nano-medicine Group of Dr. K. Riehemann at CeNTech, Münster uses nano-materials applicable for medical purposes e.g. during inflammation or, optimized nano-structures that reduce inflammation, for prosthetics. Nano-analytics methods, like Atomic force microscopy (AFM), are used to understand subcellular processes during inflammatory processes and nano-biotechnology manipulates cells via nano-structures on the surface of materials according to medical needs. The group investigates the interaction of nanoparticles/nanostructured surfaces and cells of the immune system. In close cooperation to material science nanoparticles are characterized with regard to there the biomedical risk and benefit.

more details

Center for Nanotechnology
Physikalisches Institut
Heisenbergstraße 11
48149 Münster, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)251 / 83-63837
Fax: +49 (0)251 / 83-63883
Mobile: +49 (0)177 533 60 99
